
Thursday, 17 September 2015



Today Room 5 learnt how to do shot put and discus. It was really fun we learnt a lot for tips and tricks in shot put and discus. It was really challenging for some people, I tried my hardest to push the shot put far as I could.I was really proud of myself.

After  we practise our shot put skills we moved on to do discus it was really hard to hold we were practising to hold the discuss and try to spin it clockwise and also make out discuss go straight through the cones and also here is some tips on Shot put and discus.
Shot Put
  1. dirty fingers,dirty neck,clean palms.
  2. Chin-knee-toe all in a row.
  3. Low to high-watch it fly.

  1. Grip-shelf-should fall out if hold hand upside.
  2. 3rd knuckle
  3. bring down-swing up-clap-back-chin-knee-toe
  4. Low to high watch it fly fling it fast

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Maths game

Currents events


Why is social media blocked at school?
Hello Pupils of PBS

I am here to talk about our rights and why we should be allowed to be on social media at school. How would you feel if you weren’t allowed on Facebook at school? Would you be devastated, or make a complaint to the school?

I believe that social media should be allowed at school. First of all, kids should be communicating with other such as friends and family. I think kids should be able to contact manaiakalani schools to see the work they have been doing. About 38% of kids go on social media everyday and also did you know that over 3 billion internet users is about 45% which is worldwide internet users on Social Media.

Imagine all the bored kids who couldn’t talk to their friends, How would you feel? If I could not talk to my friends I would be so depressed. Teachers should see how important this is too students, Facebook could also be use for many things such as showing the world or family members what work we have been doing.

If you don’t allow students to go on social media they would not be able to speak to friends and  family overseas and maybe different schools and here’s an example: if your mum was over seas and your school banned social media or you did not have a phone how would you be able to contact your mum?

I believe that schools should be allowed on social media at school. We will be able to talk and communicate with others. This is my opinion about social media at school.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Cross Country

This afternoon we did the fun run school it was really cool and we all tried our best at it some people in my class came first,second and first. When we started the race I was pumped up but when every one got to the hill every one was really tired and walked up the hill the teachers called it the death hill. When I went down hill the wind felt great it felt like heaven and also it was really mudy but alot of fun next year when I go collage I hope we can do a fun run school.

Thursday, 3 September 2015


Today we did Run,Jump,Throw we learnt how to do long jump and high jump. The skills we need to learn for long jump was swinging arms,bent knees,looking up and two feet landing and also the skills you need to know about high jump is slightly bent knees,run from angle - J shape,quick action,leading arm/leg and jump from side of lead leg.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

DihyDrogen Monoxide

Today for reading we did a key into evaluation on dangerous substance this tells about dihydrogen monoxide it causes sweat, immediate death and also causes severe and dangerous burning.

Breakfast In school