
Thursday 1 September 2016

Our Olympic Unit

Over the last four weeks we have been learning about the Olympics, we have been creating things such as posters and news paper articles and many more.We have been learning a lot about (KJ) which means Kilo Jules and also how much energy food gives us. In Social Studies we created art work,We had to draw this because our teaches wanted to know what the Olympics mean to you. I decided to draw the Olympic rings and write some of the values that we learned in social studies EG: Friendship,Respect and Excellence.


Thursday 18 August 2016

Olympic Ring Art

For Social Studies we have been focusing a lot on the Olympics, The whole class had to do a drawing about what does the Olympics mean to you, I decided to make the Olympics rings  and some of the values that we have learned in social studies. The 3 values that we have learned was RESPECT,EXCELLENCE And FRIENDSHIP,For the last 2 rings I decided to make it support and Goals. If we had more time I would of drawn some pictures to display the values of each ring.On Google images the rings mean something else such as Europe,Africa,America,Asia and Australia. If I had more time to draw I would draw a No Doping Sign For RESPECT, For excellence I was going to draw 1st 2nd 3rd with people shouting YAY!,Friendship I was going to draw people shaking hands at the end of the event EG:Racing,Support I was going to draw someone falling down in the race and someone came and helped him back on his feet to finish the race,Goals I was going to draw someone holding a gold medal and his hands up in the air.

Monday 7 December 2015

Maths (Quick Write)

What Is problem Solving?

What Is Problem Solving? Well Problem solving is when you use strategies to solve your math equations or using big and small numbers. Math’s happens all around, EG: If you don’t know what flight you're going on and you have to email or ring the them up you have to solve a way to see what has happen to the information they had to send to you that’s pretty much solving a problem or a solution to your Problem here is some of the things that you use solving in.

You use solving at crime scenes, building, air plane tickets, school, sports such as how far you're going to kick the ball. Also Problem solving is Using strategies,Big numbers,Small Numbers,Using critical maths skills and looking for answer you can’t find.

Today for writing we had to write a paragraph tell us about what is Problem solving? And does it only happen in maths?. Maths doesn't all ways happen at school at happens in many places such as a crime scene or building Example: When your building you have to solve how long or how wide the wood should be like 6cm+6cm of wood is 12cm.

Thursday 3 December 2015


Today the whole school had to vote for a flag. In Room 5 we had to do 4 minutes of reading about the information about the 5 flags and choose which one was your favourite. The one I voted for was the silver fern (Red,white and blue) I chose this flag because it really stands out to me and its part of my culture it also says that the silver fern means bringing all the multi culture people together. In 3 Minutes we had to find a buddy and talk about why we chose that flag, My buddy was Jacob he really liked the silver fern (Black and white) Because it was apart of his culture and the history behind it. In 2 minutes we had find a group of 4 and tell us about why they choose the flag most of the people in my group chose the (Red,White and blue) Silver flag they said is was like the Old New Zealand flag and it represents cultures. In 1 minute we had to make a Collaborative DLO about how to choose a flag and many other things.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Dear Term 1 Me

LI: To reflect on personal goals set in Term 1

Dear term 1 me

You have achieved many goals and challenges. You have worked really hard on improving my reading,writing and maths. I have had a awesome year with room 5. I hope next year would be an even better year going to my brand new school.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Working with my critical friend

Today Room 5 and Room 6 did some writing and we had to  find out how does your critical help you? and How does the rubric help you with your writing. Me,Juliano and Joshua we were thinking about the question it was really challenging but we manage to find the answer. The question was how does a critical friend help you? Well we all said that a critical friend helps you improve on your writing and makes you fix any that wrong or that could tell what you did right.